If like me you are regularly asked to produce documentation for other users and need to keep sensitive Azure information private, or maybe you also have a blog and just don't want the world knowing your Tenant ID and subscription info, you may find yourself spending a lot of time blanking or blurring out key info to keep your screenshoys anonoymous. This gets even harder when recording videos!
I haven't found this in the Google Chrome extensions gallery yet, but I'm sure it is there somewhere.
If you want to dig a little deeper into the inner workings of Az Mask you can view the project on GitHub at https://github.com/clarkio/azure-mask
Luckily there is a great tool called Az Mask I recently discovered which will mask any potentially sensitive information in the Azure portal within the browser, so you won't get caught out when throwing together that "how-to" doc for the client and expose all your other customer's details. It's a Microsoft Edge (Chromium) extension which can be added easily through the Edge add-ons gallery.
I haven't found this in the Google Chrome extensions gallery yet, but I'm sure it is there somewhere.
Once installed and enabled the tool automatically blurs out sensitive info in the Azure portal, and can be toggled on and off using the button on the menu bar.
As you can see it has also nicely blurred out the subscription ID for my MSDN account
It even removes my username from the top right-hand corner of the portal - very cool!